Android VPN Bet Blocker

Bet Blocker use service to watch if VPN connection is on, if user stop VPN connection, the phone become laggy and can't be used normally, because service start to search every 1 milisecond for VPN connection, to fix this issue, you need to open again the Bet Blocker app, and your VPN connection will be again turned ON.

Please watch the video below to see how you can turn on VPN connection, when your app is activated and you try to remove VPN connection.
Video steps.
1. Install Bet Blocker from Play Store.
2. Activate Parental Control.
3. Stop VPN connection.
4. Stop openned dialog to turn on again VPN.
5. Try to load website. Chrome show cached version of website, when I try to refresh the page, the browser and phone is almost freeze, than press home button and open the Bet Blocker app, after that device functionally without problems.